Potluck CTF

I am proud to invite you to the first Potluck CTF event. This is a Jeopardy style competition where the participating teams also bring the challenges. Scores are obtained both by solving challenges from the other teams as well as from the challenge(s) your team has submitted.

The event will take place during 37C3 in Hamburg but is run online and open for everyone to participate.

The 37C3 Potluck CTF is now over. You can check out the scoreboard and challenge info in the archive. Thanks for this year!


Potluck Class - Competitive

The top three teams in the competitive class are shown below. They all win a custom handmade trophy and Binary Ninja license(s).

  1. Dragon Sector
  2. organizers
  3. The Flat Network Society

Congratulations to the top teams and especially to Dragon Sector for winning the first edition of the Potluck CTF. Full results can be found on the scoreboard archive page or on the CTFTime event page.

Write-up Compeition

The write-up competition was won by Mastho with their excellent write-up of the challenge "Pot of Gold" where they used Binary Ninja to implement the custom ISA to greatly simplify the reverse engineering of the challenge. A huge congratulations to them for this excellent write-up!


Open Class - Casual

For the open class, you can simply register directly in the scoreboard system. After you have logged in you can create or join a team. Additionally, feel free to show interest on the CTFTime event.

Potluck Class - Competitive

To be able to register for the competitive class, you need to submit at least one challenge. This can be using the challenge submission form. Note that the deadline for this was December 11th. Teams that have done this can now register their team in the scoreboard system and it will manually be moved to the Potluck class.

The teams that are registered for the competitive class are:


Binary Ninja logo

We are proud to have with Binary Ninja, the organiser's reverse engineering platform of choice, as a sponsor of Potluck CTF providing us with some cool prizes. Check out https://binary.ninja to read more about them.

Google logo

Event infrastructure sponsored by goo.gle/ctfsponsorship


Below are the rules for the Potluck CTF. If anything is unclear or if you have feedback, please reach out. Note that there may be changes to the rules up until the start of the event, please make sure you re-read them when the CTF starts.

General Rules

  1. There are two competition classes: potluck and open, with differences described below
  2. The competition uses dynamic scoring for all challenges
  3. The flag format is “potluck{}” unless otherwise stated in the challenge description
  4. The competition lasts for 24 hours from 2023-12-28 18:00 to 2023-12-29 18:00 (UTC)
  5. Attacks against the scoreboard or other infrastructure is forbidden
  6. Sharing flags or solutions between teams is forbidden
  7. Official announcements during the competition will be posted on the scoreboard and on the competition Discord server
  8. Any questions during the competition can be made through the ticket system on the competition Discord server

Open Class - Casual

  1. Anyone can join the casual class and play the challenges for fun
  2. Competitors in this class will not earn CTFTime rating points and are not eligible for prizes (except the write-up prize).

Potluck Class - Competitive

  1. To join the competitive class you must have registered metadata about a challenge before December 11 and submitted and received final approval for the challenge before December 25.
  2. Competitors in this class earn points from solving challenges, as usual, and from the challenge they have submitted
  3. Challenge authors will work together with admins to decide on how the challenge is hosted and supported throughout the competition.
  4. A challenge needs to include:
    • The challenge itself - including sources and build instructions
    • A title and a description
    • A flag
    • A description of the solution
    • If applicable: a solve script
    • Optional: questions that the author foresee from participants and answers
  5. The admins can decline to use the challenge if it is of very poor quality or submitted in bad faith in which case the team can submit another challenge or be transferred to the open class.
  6. The challenge will be released as open source after the end of the event.
  7. The challenge is scored by looking at the number of solves from teams in the potluck class
    • If that number of solves is 0: 0 points
    • Otherwise: the dynamic score value of the challenge
  8. Participants can submit up to 3 challenges. If more than one challenge is submitted, the bonus points will be the maximum of the calculated bonus across the challenges.

Additional Considerations

  1. The event is being run experimentally and with minimal staffing. Be considerate when communicating with admins and other players.
  2. For things not covered by these rules or in case of ambiguity, admins will make a decision on the matter.


Our friends at Vector35, creators of Binary Ninja, have sponsored the event with some great prizes.

Potluck Class - Competitive

  1. 1st place: PotluckCTF trophy + Three Binary Ninja personal licenses
  2. 2nd place: PotluckCTF trophy + One Binary Ninja personal license
  3. 3rd place: PotluckCTF trophy + One Binary Ninja personal license

The trophies for the top three teams are custom hand-made polymer clay figurines of our cute logo fixed on a wooden base.

Potluck CTF trophies

The trophies were created by BetsyChild @ Etsy

Write-up Competition

Apart from the competitive class, the best public write-up for any of the CTF challenges which uses Binary Ninja will also be awarded with a Binary Ninja personal license. The rules for the write-up competition are as follows:

  1. The write-up should explain the solution to at least one of the challenges of the event
  2. The write-up should make use of Binary Ninja in solving the challenge
  3. A link to https://binary.ninja should be included somewhere in the write-up
  4. The write-up must be publicly accessible
  5. To enter, send a link with the write-up to writeups@potluckctf.com no later than Jan 5th 2024
  6. The competition is not restricted to the competitive class and anyone can enter it.

  • 37C3 Potluck CTF Scoreboard - Archive of the scoreboard and challenge info of the 37C3 Potluck CTF
  • Potluck CTF Discord - The Discord server for the event can be used to talk to find a team, report technical issues or just talk to other participants.
  • Potluck CTF Twitter - While all crucial information can be found here, we will post more updates on Twitter
  • 37C3 CTF Assembly - If you are planning on attending CCC, check out the CTF assembly and come hang out with fellow CTF enthusiast.
  • 37C3 Potluck CTF CTFTime Event - Show your interest in the event by marking your team as attending on CTFTime.
Email: contact@potluckctf.com | Organized by ZetaTwo | Art by Vie